Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Woman at the Well

Wednesday, February 29 – Read John 4:1-42

Jesus shocks a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well by requesting a drink. Jews and Samaritans didn’t talk, and drinking water she gave him would render Jesus ritually unclean – terrible for a rabbi. When she questions him Jesus again breaks convention by offering her living water and then demonstrating his power to give it to her.

Reflection Question: How does your life change by drinking the living water that Jesus promises?

Prayer: Dear God, fill my soul with the living water of Christ. In his name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Born from Above

Tuesday, February 28 – Read John 3:1-16

Nicodemus the Pharisee comes to Jesus at night seeking to see the light. He wants to know how Jesus can do miracles. Jesus tells him that these are acts of the kingdom of God and that no one can see the kingdom without being born from above (born again). Nicodemus can’t see how we can crawl inside our mothers’ wombs to be physically born again. Jesus says it is a spiritual rebirth, where the wind or Spirit of God gives us new life. Even more, this life is eternal and God gives it to the whole world in love. The question is, do we love darkness or light?

Reflection Question: How does God get you pregnant with new life through the power of God’s Spirit?

Prayer: Dear God, let me be born from above. Fill me with your Spirit. Make me your child. Amen.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Water into Wine

Monday, February 27 – Read John 2:1-11

John’s Gospel tells of seven signs that reveal Jesus to be God’s Son. In this first sign Jesus transforms a huge volume of water into wine to demonstrate God’s abundant grace.

Reflection Question: How do you see God’s transforming power at work in your world?

Prayer: Dear God, drench me in your mysterious, transforming Spirit of love. Amen.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jesus Calls His First Disciples

Sunday, February 26 – Read Luke 5:1-11

Jesus demonstrates his power by helping fishermen make a miraculous catch. Simon Peter’s response is to feel unworthy and afraid. Jesus reassures him and promises that from now on he will be catching not fish, but people.

Reflection Question: Are you ever afraid that God will ask you to do something that is beyond you?

Prayer: Dear God, tell me not to be afraid of you. Send me out to catch people in your net of love. Amen.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

First Healings

Saturday, February 25 – Read Luke 4:31-41

One of the signs that God’s kingdom is breaking into the midst of life is that Jesus heals people from what is plaguing them.

Reflection Questions: In the story of the man with an unclean demon, the demon knows exactly who Jesus is and what he has come to do. Where do you carry unclean places inside yourself that are afraid of Jesus? How does this strengthen your faith in him?

Prayer: Dear God, heal what is broken inside me. Straighten out the twisted places in me through the healing presence and power of Jesus. In his wonderful name I pray. Amen.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hometown Rebellion

Friday, February 24  – Read Luke 4:16-30

Jesus’ neighbors can’t believe their ears. “What can he be saying?” they ask. “We know who his daddy is. He isn’t anything great!” So they try to run him out of town.

Reflection Question: When is it that you take Jesus for granted and dismiss him?

Prayer: Dear God, forgive me when I forget you and your Son. Help me have courage to be faithful. Amen.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jesus' Ordination Sermon

Thursday, February 23  – Read Mark 1:14-15 and Luke 4:16-21

When John the Baptist is arrested Jesus begins his public ministry by proclaiming the good news that God’s kingdom is about to dawn. He goes to Nazareth, where he grew up, and quotes the prophet Isaiah making explicit what he will do as God’s messenger of the kingdom.

Reflection Question: Jesus says that he will proclaim good news and release the captives. How do you show others God’s kingdom of love in what you say and do?

Prayer: Dear God, use me to create your kingdom of love wherever I go. Amen.